Tuesday, December 14, 2010

3 Year & 4 Month Checkups

I took Avi and Sally Sharp for their 3 year and 4 month checkups respectively about a week and a half ago. We never made it to Avi's 2 year checkup (!), so I was curious to see how tall she was. I was also very curious to see how much Sally Sharp weighed. They had both grown a lot and got a thumbs up on their development! See below for details.
Sally Sharp:
Weight--14 pounds 10 ounces (90%)
Length--25 inches (90%)

Her smile is infectious!

She's also doing a lot of sucking on her fists and fingers these days. She's been a bit fussy the past few days, and she's drooling like a faucet, so if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was teething (even though it is really too early for that in my opinion!).

Look who's exersaucing! She's still working on figuring out how to use her hands appropriately while in the fun contraption, but she enjoys being able to look around.

Avi Grace:
Weight--31 pounds (75%)
Height--38 3/4 inches (90%)

She enjoys reading to Sally Sharp :).


  1. OMG!!!! I don't even know what to say, Kelli!!!! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!

  2. Precious! And Jones cut his first two teeth a week. After his 4 month birthday.... Ss could be following his lead!
    They are both such beautiful girls. I need to see them in person soon!
